Thursday, August 06, 2015

Male Fertility Risks You Don't Know About

Most people are aware that male infertility maybe related to certain surgical procedures, hormonal imbalances within the body's endocrine system and chemotherapy. However, some of the other most common reasons for loss of fertility are quite surprising. We have listed these here.

Requirements for fertility: Investigating the complex biological process

A recent Wall Street Journal article points out that popular culture focuses a great deal of attention on the effort, timing, and planning put into fertility by women, even though the process of ensuring fertility is actually quite complicated for men as well. First, the body has to be functioning properly so that it creates sperm within the testicles, at the astronomical level of at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen.

Hormonal imbalances or biological damages can be the primary cause of decreased sperm production. Second, the system of tubing within the genitals must be unblocked and functioning properly in order to carry the sperm into the semen and prepare the mixture for ejaculation. This tubing is very fragile, and sometimes requires treatment in terms of repairing tears, or removing clogged portions. Furthermore, the sperm created by the body may be healthy and in proper counts, but may not have the movement levels or proper shape to be able to swim to a partner's egg and penetrate it. Since there is a great deal of stigma surrounding male fertility, many men are not aware that the process of impregnating their partners can be affected by some common behavioral choices.

Dangerous risks to male fertility

As aforementioned, fertility levels are determined by a complex process with many fragile factors. Since this biological process is so complex, it presents many areas in which your fertility levels might be lessened, whether your sperm becomes unhealthy or reduces in number, are not transported well into the semen, or if the motility and morphology of the sperm are faulty.

Laptops overheating the genital area: When the testicles overheat, they tend to produce less sperm and often, computers that we hold on our laps are enough to cause both temporary and permanent damage to the region. Using saunas or hot tubs frequently also produces the same effect within the body.

Alcohol abuse:

Drinking can present many health risks, but few men realise that alcohol can actually lower your testosterone levels. Besides leading to erectile dysfunction, an abuse of alcohol can permanently decrease the production of sperm and also lower the mobility levels and general health of the sperm themselves.


With all of the talk about weight inspired by the media, it seems like we really don't need one more motivator to keep our BMIs under control. However, if you are looking for that one last bit of inspiration to get you to the gym or to put down that slice of pizza, consider this: being overweight can throw your hormonal system off-balance and lead to lower sperm counts.


Though riding your bike is a fantastic way to get the body in shape, it has been shown to lead to damage within the perineum and testicles, both of which can lower the count of healthy sperm within the semen. The same effect is often produced through the use of motorcycles, and also through horseback riding.

High-stress occupations:

Turns out, a stressful work environment can increase your risk of infertility by reducing healthy sperm count. Furthermore, scientists have noticed that extended use of computers and other visual display monitors can trigger hormonal reactions that leave testosterone levels imbalanced. Don't expect your boss to be accommodating, however, see if there are changes you can make within your own working style to reduce stress that you face while on the job.

Of course, there are many other biological and hormonal reasons that fertility might be affected by, some of which are not preventable. But without a doubt, staying informed about the most common behaviours that lead to a decrease in sperm count and potency will help to ensure that you enjoy a more fertile future.

Perhaps the risk of fertility loss that these activities and behaviors present is not worth you changing your behaviors. However, by staying informed, you know that you'll make better choices. If you have any fertility concerns, it is best that you speak to your primary care physician and undergo proper tests to determine whether fertility treatment might be necessary.


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