Monday, August 03, 2015

Can Guava Help With Weight Loss?

Yes, guava can help you lose weight. How? Well, it is a rich source of many essential nutrients including fiber. This tasty fruit can help you lose weight effectively without compromising with your intake of fiber, proteins, and vitamins. And, if you did not already know, guava is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that has many weight loss benefits.

Here are 5 ways that guava helps you lose weight:

1. Slows Down Sugar Absorption:

Guava can aid weight loss as it effectively prevents or slows down the absorption of sugar in the blood. As you know, sugar is a big problem when you are trying to lose weight. It is this ability that makes this fruit great for diabetics.

2. Rich In Potassium:

Guava is high in potassium content. It is important to up your potassium intake when you are trying to lose weight as it helps in increasing muscle mass and burning more fat. One guava contains 688 mg of this mineral; that is 63% more than what you get from a banana!

3. Rich In Fiber:

As you know, fiber plays a very important role in weight loss. One guava contains 9 grams of fiber. This nutrient keeps you feeling full for longer, promotes better digestion of food, prevents constipation and also helps in reducing the amount of saturated fat that is absorbed by your body.

4. Cholesterol-Free And Low In Carbs:

Another reason that guava is such a great weight loss food is because it is free of cholesterol and very low in digestible carbohydrates. It is one of the best fruits to add to your diet when you want it to be low in carbs. Being cholesterol-free, it protects you from many diseases, including heart disease.

5. CleansesThe Body:

With its richness in fiber, guava is an excellent natural body cleanser. This is great when you are trying to shed those unwanted pounds. It helps in flushing toxins out of your body as well as eliminating waste properly. This in turn helps you burn more fat.


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