Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Bill Cosby Confessed To Drugging Women For Sex

He’s been tangled up in a legal quagmire for quite some time and Bill Cosby actually admitted to using Quaaludes and other sedatives to get women to have sex with him during a testimony back in 2005. According to the Associated Press, the previously-sealed court documents confirm that the “Cosby Show” star confessed to obtaining the drugs for sexual purposes.

Cosby has been accused by upwards of 25 women of sexual assault, including Janice Dickinson. She told press, “I’m suing Bill Cosby for justice and vindication…I was drugged and raped by Bill Cosby. And the fact that he and his spokespeople have called me a liar…referring to remarks that I’ve made…it’s not correct. I want to fight. I want to fight this and let everyone know that I’m not being paid anything monetarily to do this. It’s just the right thing to do."


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