Monday, August 03, 2015

Jared Fogle Accused of Paying 16-Year-Old For Sex

Last month the feds raided his home in search of child pornography and now Jared Fogel is also under investigation for allegedly engaging in a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old girl.
As part of the inquiry, the FBI subpoenaed legal documents that contained conversations between the former Subway spokesman and a female franchisee. Fogel asked the woman if she would “advertise herself on Craigslist for sex with other men for money,” also asking, “if he can watch the sexual acts.”

In response, the woman allegedly replied, “Is this the same website you found that 16 year old girl you that you f*cked?… I still can’t believe you only paid $100 for her.” Jared shot back, “It was amazing!!!!” A Subway rep told press, “The latest allegation about Jared Fogle, if true, is appalling. As previously stated, we have suspended our relationship with Jared.”


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