Thursday, February 19, 2015

World’s first USB rechargeable AA or AAA batteries


Lightors feature a micro-usb port for easy and convenient charging, and can be used over 500 times. Each AA battery is 1500mAh and each AAA battery is 600mAh, and can be used in any device that uses standard AA or AAA batteries. Using Lightors will greatly reduce the amount of hazardous waste, as disposing batteries is not healthy for our environment.

According to The Environmental News Network, annual global consumption of batteries is at 10 billion batteries every year. While obviously not a complete solution for this waste, Lightors will help reduce it. And, one of Lightors’ flaws is that each battery takes at least 8 hours to fully charge, or 6 hours with a 220V adapter. There’s an LED indicator that will tell you when your batteries are fully charged, though, and Lightors are still a great solution for a bigger problem than people may realize. You can check out Lightors via their Kickstarter.


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