Thursday, July 02, 2015

How To Practice Tripod Headstand












Advantages Of Practicing Tripod Headstand Pose:

The major benefits of practicing this yoga pose are:
  • This pose helps in developing core strength.
  • It helps in strengthening your abdominal muscles and legs.
  • It also helps improve body balance.
  • The pose aids in alleviating physical conditions like headaches, fatigue, and constipation.
  • It helps enhance blood circulation to an extent.


  1. At first, you will need to put the knees and hands on the mat. Now, bring the top section of your head down to the ground. It should be in front of both hands. Your elbows will be positioned over the wrists, and so you will get to see your hands. When this happens, you will be in the correct position. At this juncture, your palms and head will form an equilateral triangle.
  2. When you find your hands and head stable, it is time to lift your legs. Raise the legs while straightening them. Now, walk your feet to face as much as possible.
  3. Now, you need to shift hips over the shoulders and ensure hands remain planted on the floor firmly. It is time to try Tripod Balance. You will have to rest your knees on the triceps.
  4. Then, lift your legs vertically so that the Tripod Headstand is formed. You will have to keep both the legs together. The toes should be pointing to the roof.
  5. While you reach the Tripod Headstand pose, take 5 deep breaths. Then bring down the feet to the ground slowly.


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