Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rihanna’s Latest Stalker Investigated By Police

For whatever reason she tends to attract wackos, and Rihanna has another stalker alternately named either Ralph Alexander or Alex Mercer. According to reports, the “Talk that Talk” singer’s creeper showed up at her home in April and took a selfie outside that he then posted via social media along with the tweet, “Should of killed @rihanna a minute back I would be good right now. Sorcery is a weapon I use guns, bout to get a gun license, can’t use my hands.”

In June, Mr. Stalker was at it again, tweeting, “Imma marry @rihanna Lord willing #somebody might die or something.” As a result, the police have opened an investigation into Mercer’s alleged activities and hopefully they’ll make an arrest soon!


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