Friday, October 02, 2015

Tinder Launches New Super Likes Available Worldwide

Tinder worldwide its eponymous dating app features the super-like function. With a super-like, a Tinder user the owner of another Tinder profile to know him or her to find more fun and thereby draw attention to themselves by such other party.

After a short test period Tinder has the ability to view other profiles a 'super-like made available worldwide. Normally users need the Tinder dating app both each other's profiles 'like' to get a match. Only after both Tinder users have each other's profile liked the Tinderaars can communicate with each other.

Through a 'super-like Tinder a user can contact the owner of the profile that he or she will find extra fun' enforce '. The owner of a Tinder-profile that gets a "super-like ', ie immediately receive a notification that he or she has received a super-like, and is invited to the profile of the person he or she has a super-like too to judge. The probability is thus according to Tinder larger that there is a match.

The 'super-likes' also prove to be a good business model for Tinder. People who use the free version of Tinder can only one super-like handing a day, users of the paid version of Tinder (Tinder Plus) have the opportunity to give five super-likes per day. This super-likes prove much Tinder users to cross the line to take a paid account at Tinder.


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