Friday, October 02, 2015

Ways To Guard Your Joints

Do your knees creak like a barn door when you squat down? Do your hips twinge when climbing the stairs? you're not alone. Here's how to keep your joints healthy.


"Movement is vital. It may be the last thing you feel like doing but the more you move, the less stiffness and pain you'll experience," says physician Dr Yousef Habbab. "Avoid staying in one position. So, if you're working at a computer, get up and move at least once an hour."


Low-impact activities such as cycling and walking, are better for joints than running or aerobics, while swimming takes the weight load completely, says Dr Habbab. Exercises that target your spinal segmental range of motion, such as Tai Chi, Pilates and yoga, are particularly beneficial as they help improve posture.


"Being overweight is bad for your joints because it adds extra strain," says nutritionist Shona Wilkinson. "Every extra kilo you gain puts twice the stress on your knees. Even a small amount of weight loss will give your knees relief."


You need to keep moving parts of your body lubricated. "Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish not only cut symptoms linked to joint pain but also change the levels of inflammation," explains Shona. FISH OIL slows the production of inflammation-signalling cells. The best sources are oily fish, such as salmon and fresh tuna.


Our posture has a big impact. For example, carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder can force your body to move unnaturally which can, in turn, lead to pain in the knees or hips. Try to spread weight evenly so your core takes the full weight and not just one side. If you're at work, make sure you're sitting comfortably in a chair that supports your back and that your screen is at the right height.


Balancing exercises are under-rated but very important, says physiotherapist Tim Allardyce. "Stand on one leg with your eyes open (progress to eyes closed) and try to keep your balance. Touch the wall for support if you need to, at first. Hold for two minutes daily. This leg balance exercise strengthens the muscles and ligaments around the ankles and knees, boosting balance," adds Tim.


Eating lots of dairy products isn't wise if you suffer from arthritis, warns nutritional therapist Alison Cullen. The body can find it hard to break down the calcium properly, so it causes more swelling. "To solve this problem the body needs a good source of calcium and magnesium, such as leafy green vegetables, oats, dried fruit and beans, as this helps the body to utilise calcium properly," says Alison.


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