A few years ago, JetLev
developed a jetpack that let users float in mid air, so long as they
were on the water. Using that same principle, French jet ski champion
Franky Zapata developed the Flyboard,
which let you follow behind a speedboat with a set of water-powered
rocket boots.
A few years later, and Zapata is back with the Hoverboard,
which does the same job, but attached to a board with a single nozzle
hanging out back. Now, aquatic daredevils and perform tricks and stunts
to shame nearby surfer dudes.
If there's one downside, it's that you'll
spend the better part of $6,000 on one of the units -- not to mention
owning or having access to your own speedboat.
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Friday, June 13, 2014
A surfboard attached to a firehose is a... hoverboard?
8:17 AM