Saturday, June 07, 2014

Google Employees Get the Best Salaries and Benefits in the Country

Results of a new survey have confirmed what we've pretty much known all along: Google employees get the best salaries and the most appealing perks in the US. Other Silicon Valley firms aren't too far behind, with 12 of them having been ranked in the top 25.

The survey, conducted by Glassdoor, puts Google ahead of other tech giants like Facebook, Microsoft, and Adobe. While Google engineers earn an average base salary of $128,000, Facebook engineers bring in just under $120,000. The plebs at Microsoft and Adobe, meanwhile, can expect to rake in $111,000 and $93,000.

Amazon and Apple both pay their engineers handsomely, but their massive infrastructures - including, respectively, warehouse and retail employees who don't get the same cushy benefits as headquarter employees - mean they aren't in the top 25. Still, it looks like Silicon Valley rewards its workers pretty well overall.

[via The Wall Street Journal]


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