Thursday, June 05, 2014

World’s tallest Lego tower built with nearly half a million bricks

A Lego tower has been built in Budapest that has broken the Guinness World Record for The Tallest Structure Built with Interlocking Plastic Bricks.

The tower stands with bricks alone and no form of external support. The Official Lego Builders team managed, with the help of some local children, built a 114-foot tower. On top sat an oversized representation of a Rubik's Cube to honour the toy's inventor.

The tower was built using around 450,000 bricks. The previous record holder used 500,000 bricks to build a 112-foot and 11-inch tower in Delaware last August.

The record for the tallest Lego tower was broken an impressive three times last year. So we don't expect to see this record stand for much longer.


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