Monday, February 09, 2015

Alibaba invest US$590, one of China’s leading smartphone.

Alibaba Group and Meizu will collaborate at both strategic and business levels to achieve a deeper integration of Meizu’s hardware and Alibaba Group’s mobile operating system. Alibaba Group will provide Meizu with resources and support in the fields of e-commerce, mobile Internet, mobile operating system and data analysis with the aim of developing Meizu’s smartphone ecosystem. Alibaba Group’s online shopping marketplaces will also become distribution channels for Meizu’s smartphones and other devices.

Meizu is one of China’s leading smartphone manufacturers known for its technology and sophisticated product design and features that fulfill consumer needs and requirements. The Chinese smartphone market is experiencing fast growth, with homegrown brands gaining an increasing market share. At the end of 2014, China had more than one billion mobile phone users and about 40 percent of them use smartphones, according to IDC. 


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