Thursday, February 05, 2015

Microsoft Buys Sunrise For Over $100M

Microsoft has purchased Sunrise, the makers of the cross platform Sunrise Calendar app, according to a report from TechCrunch. The deal, worth “at least $100 million,” gives Microsoft another tool in its quiver for expanding the company’s productivity offerings across a variety of mobile platforms. Sunrise Calender runs on both iOS and Android as well as on Mac and PC while also offerring a web client. The program integrates numerous calenders from different providers and also supports Evernote, LinkedIn, Twitter, Trello and more.

Thats similar to what it did with Acompli, which Microsoft acquired for $200 million. That acquisition ended up becoming a part of its most recent Outlook for Android and iOS apps, launched just last week,” adds the report. Devices, services, and cross-platform apps Microsoft has been focusing on devices and services for some time now and it appears as though they wish to continue this focus away from their core business as the maker of Windows and MS Office. From a consumer standpoint, a mobile OS is a means of running apps -- nothing more. Guess what? Microsoft finally realizes this and if it can't be the platform for the apps, it can be the apps.

Today, the company which can do no wrong lately, continues its win-streak as it is rumored to be buying Sunrise Calendar. A rumor is a rumor, so this may not even be true.


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