Thursday, February 05, 2015

Verizon adjusts data plans amidst growing competition

Verizon has announced some changes for its MORE Everything customers that take effect on Thursday, February 5. Those on the 1GB to 3GB plans will be seeing an extra 1GB of data henceforth without any increases in price, for example.

Joining this will be the addition of a new MORE Everything plan that gives subscribers 6GB of data for $70/month. The carrier is also dangling its own limited time perk to subscribers -- any MORE Everything customer with a 6GB or more plan can tack on a smartphone under Verizon edge for an additional $15/month, which is after "a $25 access discount".

Joining these things is the addition of data-heavy plans, as well. The carrier is adding 12GB, 14GB, and 16GB MORE Everything options that'll give mobile users ample amounts of data. Prices for these particular plans haven't yet been detailed. This follow's Cricket's recent new plan structure, which includes a limited time 20GB plan for $60/month.

SOURCE: PRNewswire


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