Saturday, April 04, 2015

Amazing Health Benefits Of Babaco Fruit

The Babaco is a powerhouse of nutrients required by the human body. The fruit offers a substantial dose of daily nutrients which can help you combat ailments and boost immunity in general. This papaya relative has other health benefits such as:

Digestive Aid:
Alike Papaya, Babaco contains substantial amount of Papain- an excellent digestive enzyme. The difference is that the amount of enzyme is much higher in Babaco than Papaya. So eating the fruit can actually boost up your digestion process.

Excellent Source Of Potassium:
The human body needs a daily intake of potassium, a key mineral. Potassium is required to neutralize the harmful effects of sodium. Babaco contains useful amount of potassium. The potassium in Babaco keeps your body fit by balancing blood pressure levels.
Low In Sugar:
While eating fresh fruits is beneficial for health, you may end up consuming plenty of natural sugar present in fruits. Thankfully, Babaco is far less sweeter compared other fruits.

Low In Calories And Fat:
The fruit is low in fat and contains a good amount of carbohydrates. In a 100 gram serving of Babaco, you will consume only 21 calories.

Source Of Beta Carotene:
Babaco contains beta carotene and thus it attributes considerably to maintain a healthy and balanced eye sight. It is the presence of beta carotene that the fruit has a bright yellow color.

Source Of Vitamin C:
You can eat Babaco to get a healthy dose of Vitamin C. This water soluble vitamin is required for keeping cells healthy, and it promotes faster healing. It also enhances the capacity of the human body to absorb iron from foods.

Helps Keep Bones And Teeth Strong:
The calcium in Babaco helps make your teeth stronger. It also helps fight bone density loss.

Helps Weight Loss:
Babaco is also known as a natural nutritional weight loss supplement. Dieticians recommend eating fibre rich fruits to combat obesity. Babaco is rich in fibre which ensures you stay full for long and thus, suffer less from the hunger pangs. The fibre also promotes digestion in human body.


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