Tuesday, April 07, 2015

How To Lose Weight With 1-Day Diet Plan?

How To Plan The Day:

This diet plan is surely going to help you get on your healthy way. It includes breakfast, pre-lunch snack, lunch, tea-time snack and dinner.

It can further include any in-between snacks to beat your hunger cravings. You need to be mindful of when and what you eat.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body, what you drink counts also counts a lot.

These simple steps will set you up to drop the weight that you want.

The One Day Diet Plan:

Choose a 1200-calorie menu according to your food choices. Here are some selections.


One cup fat-free milk, a medium orange and a cup of cereal or A cup of oatmeal in milk topped with chopped peaches and almonds


A cup of cantaloupe melon Or half cup of low-fat plain yogurt


1 whole wheat pita bread sandwich with a lean meat selection, spinach and grapes or vegetarian sushi or salad of fresh vegetables.


Fat-free yogurt topped with fresh berries and a spoon of honey or two spoons of prepared hummus with celery sticks


Half cup of cooked brown rice with beans, tomato, salmon and a fruit or chicken in brown rice with steamed asparagus. You can add more similar food items that have very less calories.

Simply remember to keep the meals nutritious and light. For an extra incentive, you can pick up some workout gear.


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