Monday, September 07, 2015

How To Remove Unwanted Knots In Chains

There's nothing more annoying than opening up your jewellery box to take out your favourite chain -only to find that it's gotten knotted, or worse, tangled up with your other chains!

Instead of throwing up your hands in frustration, here are a few simple tips to help you untangle knotted-up chains.

You Will Need

  • Baby oil or baby powder A safety pin or a needle Fine-tipped tweezers

What You Have To Do

  1. Undo the clasps or latches of the chains.
  2. Place the chains on a flat surface like a table or a plate and spread them out so that you can identify the separate chains.
  3. Apply the baby oil or pow der to the knot you are working on. This will help loosen the knot.
  4. Take your needle or safety pin, poke it through the centre of the knot and wiggle it back and forth until it loosens up. Once the centre has loosened enough, you can put your finger through it and undo it. Use your tweezers to hold up the chain for extra stability or if you're unknotting a very fine chain. Repeat this for every knotchain.
  5. Once you're done getting the knots out, wash the oilpowder off your chain.

How To Prevent Chains From Getting Knotted

Store each of your chains separately in small zip-lock bags so that they don't get tangled up with each other.

If you want to prevent your chain from getting knotted up in itself, create a sort of jewellery wall in your room by putting up hooks or nails and hanging chains on each one.


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