Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Beauty Tips: Beauty Blunders You Are Committing

Here's a list of the most common beauty mistakes that you make in the course of your day.

Going to sleep without washing your face

  • If you haven't worn makeup in the day, you tend to go to bed without following a cleansing routine. But what you don't realise is that throughout the day, your skin picks up all sorts of dirt and grime, which settles in it. These need to be washed out else you face can break out. It's imperative to cleanse your face at the end of each day, irrespective of whether you wear makeup or not.

Wearing nail polish all the time

  • While you may like the look of your painted nails, studies suggest that constantly having polish on your nails can make them weak and leave them discoloured. Every once in a while, go without painting your nails and let them breathe and recover!

Skipping sunscreen on a cloudy day

  • No matter what the weather is, you should always apply sunscreen whenever you step out of the house. Not applying one leave your skin unprotected against the UV rays of the sun. in the long term, it could cause the appearance of fine lines, sun spots, wrinkles and sometimes, even skin cancer.


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