Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sigourney Weaver will be in the Avatar sequels even though her character died

The first Avatar movie had a great line-up of cast members as you’d expect from any ground-breaking James Cameron production. One of those actors was Sigourney Weaver who’s character Grace Augustine ended up dying near the end of the movie. So no one expected she’d feature in the sequels, but Cameron has confirmed otherwise.

Sigourney Weaver is set to return and be a character in all of the sequels Cameron is planning. However, she won’t be Grace Augustine anymore. All the famous director will say is that, “she’s playing a different and in many ways more challenging character in the upcoming films.”

It seems likely that the new role Weaver takes on will be as a Na’vi, that way she won’t ever be seen in a human form. To do otherwise would be confusing, unless of course Cameron is somehow working cloning into the story or the sequels tackle events before those depicted in Avatar. Curiously, Stephen Lang is also expected to return as Colonel Miles Quaritch, which again is confusing after what happens to his character in the first movie.

The first sequel isn’t set to arrive until December 2016, but we’re sure to have more details confirmed before then about story and characters. Hopefully not too many, though, as I quite enjoyed the first movie and am looking forward to seeing where Cameron takes Avatar next.
So, now’s your chance, best ideas for how Sigourney Weaver is going to return to Avatar in the comments, please. Cloning, Na’vi character, identical twin, resurrection?


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