Saturday, November 01, 2014

Boston Just Got A Spooky Edgar Allan Poe Statue

Boston Just Got a Spooky Edgar Allan Poe Statue

Nevermore will Boston’s Edgar Allan Poe Square be without an Edgar Allen Poe statue. Artist Stefanie Rocknack’s life-sized bronze tribute to Poe is now standing two blocks from the writer’s birthplace.

The statue shows Poe striding through the street, jacket pushed back by wind, as his story ideas spill out of his suitcase. A raven represents Poe’s best-known poem.

Boston Just Got a Spooky Edgar Allan Poe Statue
This is a good statue, I’d say nearly as good as the Michael Jordan statue in front of the United Center (which is the best statue) and decidedly superior to the Statue of Liberty, which is a bit much.


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