Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Nokia First Android Smartphone Leaked Photos

Nokia busy with the development of one or more smart phones, as evidence leaked photos. For some time now rumors that the Finnish Nokia from 2016 wants to again be active as a producer of phones and smartphones. At this time, can not and should not Nokia phones launch, as the company in 2014 sold its entire mobile divsie to Microsoft and it made an agreement with Microsoft that Nokia 2016 not to re-entry into the phone or smartphone market.

Nokia pushes itself does not hide that the company wants to make a comeback. Late last year, Nokia released under his own name all the Nokia N1 tablet out an Android-based tablet which so far has only released in Asia. Next year, Nokia also would return in the smartphone market with its own Android smartphones.
The first concrete proof that Nokia is working on a new smartphone this weekend surfaced on a Chinese website. The website published photographs showing the first Android smartphone from Nokia is visible. The device listens according to the website for the name 'Nokia C1' and turns reportedly already on Android 6.0 Marshmallow.



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