Monday, October 19, 2015

Beauty Tips: How To Prevent Your Nails From Breaking

Just when you want to apply that nail colour that you have been eyeing for eons now, your nails break. Can anything be more frustrating than this?

Breaking of nails is one of the most common problems that women face. Here are a few ways in which you can handle this...

Every night before hitting the sack, massage your nails and the cuticle with a good moisturiser. This increases the blood flow, keeps your nails hydrated and prevents them from becoming dry and brittle.

Mix two tablespoons of each almond and coconut oils and dip your fingers in them once a week. This intense hydrating treatment will make your nails stronger and also boost their growth.

If your nails are prone to breakage, it is advisable to take Vitamin C supplements once in a while.

Add green leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage to your diet to supplement your iron deficiency that stunts the growth of your nails and makes them weak.


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