Thursday, October 01, 2015

Kate Winslet Shines on WSJ Magazine Cover

Never one to play by anyone else’s rules, Kate Winslet has taken her own road to fulfillment, both personally and career-wise. In her cover story for WSJ magazine, the “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” star confesses she’s struggled for decades with her love life- "No one teaches you, and also no one particularly helps you. It's a very specific thing to ask people to understand.

'So-and-so was mean about me in the newspaper.' 'Oh, just ignore it.' But you can't, because it's not true. I know lots of people who are not in the public eye who have gone through several marriages, I really do, and it's just those are the cards that life dealt me. I didn't plan on its being that way. And f--k me, it hasn't been easy, you know. No one really knows what has happened in my life. No one really knows why my first marriage didn't last; no one knows why my second didn't. I'm proud of those silences. Thank God for [my current husband] Ned [Rocknroll]—really. He's just so incredibly supportive, and he's so much fun. He's absolutely everything to me. And to all of us."

Kate also notes that she’s done being naked in movies- "We all focus on our bodies in our late teens and our early 20s, in a way that is just not cool or healthy. In your 30s, you become aware of staying fit. Now I view my physical self as an instrument that I have to keep going because I'm a mother, and I have to be as healthy as I can for those three people who need me—more than I need for myself to be in a f--ing nude scene."


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