Saturday, January 10, 2015

4K Blu-rays are coming in spring 2015

Blu-ray Disc Association spokesperson Dan Schinasi said that the new Blu-ray specification for 4K is now nearly complete. It's expected to be locked down this spring so that licensing and manufacturing could start in the summer. The first UHD Blu-ray players and discs could arrive by the holiday season - though we still don't have any idea how much they'll cost.

The other big question, of course, given the growing popularity of streaming, is whether people will still want to buy or rent discs, even if the discs are capable of delivering better picture and audio quality. One reason the specification took so long is that UHD Blu-ray isn't just about more resolution; it also includes a wider color gamut, high dynamic range, and higher frame rates. It's no coincidence that TV manufacturers at CES this year focused more on color and dynamic range enhancements—which can help LCD-based UHD TVs improve contrast and brightness—than they did on higher-resolution screens.

The good news for those with extensive Blu-ray libraries is that the Ultra HD Blu-ray players will be backward compatible with regular Blu-ray discs. The bad news: You'll need to buy a new players to enjoy the higher-quality Blu-ray UHD discs. Pricing hasn't been announced. But if the industry wants consumers to embrace the technology, you'd think the new players and discs wouldn't be priced prohibitively, given the alternative of relatively low-cost streaming options.


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