Wednesday, January 21, 2015

US Navy launches MUOS-3 satellite

The specific vehicle used was the Atlas V Evolved Expanded Launch Vehicle 551 configuration. The EELV was developed by the US Air Force specifically for putting government payloads into space. In terms of records, this is the 52nd Altas V launch but only the 5th for the specific 551 vehicle.

The launch was provided by United Launch Alliance or ULA, which has been providing its services for more than a century. Within that time, it has launched over 90 satellites not only for government purposes but also weather tracking for meteorologists, GPS navigation, or even helping astronomers and scientists learn more about the solar system. This launch is ULA's first for 2015.

The purpose of the MUOS-3 is, of course, very specific. Its ultra high frequency satellite communications will provide coordination with US forces on the ground anywhere on the globe. ULA's next scheduled launch will be for more scientific purposes, launching a Delta II Soil Moisture Active Passive or SMAP for NASA on January 29.

YouTube: See the launch of Atlas V with MUOS-3 for US Navy


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