Monday, January 19, 2015

Enko Is The Next Generation Of Running Shoes

The Enko’s sole is anything but normal and actually looks like it belongs on a prosthetic leg. But the patented sole is actually supposed to help when running since its interchangeable shock absorbers will provide runners with unrivaled comfort plus extra energy propulsion. So when a runner’s foot hits the ground, the springs in the shoe will absorb all the energy and then send it right back to them as their heel lifts off from the ground again, with the cycle continuing after each stride.

With normal running shoes all that energy is lost when your foot touches the ground. With these innovative and unique running shoes, your running sessions will become more efficient.

Unique Shock Absorbers

Besides helping with energy propulsion, the unique shock absorbers on the Enko running shoe is delivered to runners with special ones that are adapted to their weight, adding extra comfort for your joints.

Other Features

The actual shoe portion of the Enko features light, supple and breathable fabric, as well as integral support straps that hold your foot in comfortably. You also get interchange studs with each order. The shoe will come in a variety of color options, including pink, blue, black, white and bright yellow. And the shoes are also effective for walking, so if you’re looking to get into running, you’ll be able to utilize the shoes as you become a hardcore runner (and might have to walk a bit during your sessions).

You’ll be able to purchase your own pair of Enko running shoes starting February 1st when its campaign stars at Indiegogo.


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