Monday, January 12, 2015

Tech That You Are Most Excited For In 2015?

We’re only 12 days into the year, and if rumours are only half true, we’re in for quite a year! That new HTC One M9, Hima, or whatever they’re going to call it looks like it could be a beast. Windows 10 is (hopefully) going to regenerate Windows’ half-dead corpse. A Macbook with no USB ports? What?

Yeah, so a lot of this is hearsay and rumour, speculation and guesswork, but screw it — what are you most excited for in 2015? It doesn’t even have to be a current rumour yet, just something that you want. That new Galaxy S6 could be quite a looker, if Samsung sticks with its Alpha slash Note 4 design language. Maybe the Apple Watch is more your speed? On and on and on. Let us know below!


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