Wednesday, May 06, 2015

3 Simple Practices To Make Your Dreams Come True










You are where you need to be, to fully experience this moment for what it is, so that you can discern what your response can be the next moment. Trusting that I am where I need to be, I acknowledge that I could to be less rushed and hurried, that I could practice standing in my truth and my limits rather than getting carried away by my habitual patterns of behaving. When you can trust yourself and your path, you will find that what you are doing here and now is part of your magical purpose, it is where your light needs to shine.


I dig simplicity, clarity and silence. But many times, out of force of habit, I choose complexity, confusion and noise. When we take our thoughts that feed fears and stories of abandonment seriously, we become confused about our dreams, our purpose and we question whether we should even do what we are doing. Allowing these thoughts and emotions to simply flow like a river and responding with kindness, compassion and love towards ourselves (first) and others (next) is what choosing simplicity means. I am, of course, not saying this is easy. After a hard day, I came home and took some time out, breathing and writing. Then, my husband massaged my back and did some spinal adjustments and voila, I was feeling better again! Sometimes, we can sit in the difficulty of our mood for long stretches of time, and then realise that something as simple as a massage can completely heal us. Remembering these simple responses towards ourselves and our mental health go a long way in living a simple and purpose-filled life.

Doing The Work

I believe that giving our dreams wings means doing the work every single day. And when we do something every single day, alongside kissing our babies, brushing their teeth, giving them a bath, reading them bedtime stories, cooking and washing, we make our life fully lived. We end up shining in our own brilliance.


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