Thursday, May 21, 2015

Beauty Tip: Brown Sugar And Olive Oil Face Scrub

You need to take 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Mix the two together, stirring well. Remember that adding any more olive oil will make it drippy and dissolve the sugar. Also, adding too little oil will make the scrub dry and rough and cause skin redness. Once your scrub is ready, exfoliate as usual.


The benefits of this brown sugar and olive oil scrub include:
  • It removes the excess dead skin.
  • It removes whiteheads and blackheads.
  • It removes excess sebum from the pores on your skin.
  • It prevents further acne breakouts.
  • It moisturizes your skin.
  • It does not clog the pores.
  • The olive oil will help in removing dirt, grime, germs and the effects of pollution from your skin.
  • It prevents dandruff when applied to the scalp.


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