Monday, May 04, 2015

5 Amazing Stretching Exercises









1. Shoulder Blade Squeeze:

  1. You can perform this exercise either sitting or standing.
  2. Move into the position with your spine straight.
  3. Leave your hands on your side.
  4. Gently squeeze the shoulders together, bringing the shoulder blades as close as possible.
  5. Push your shoulders back as much as you can. But ensure you are not pushing so much that they start paining.
  6. Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the first position.
  7. Repeat the movement at least 10 times, thrice times a day.
  8. Squeeze your shoulder blades every time the upper back feels tight. The exercise can be performed easily at your convenience, even in a crowd.

2. Forward Bend:

  1. You will need to sit down for performing this exercise.
  2. Again, keep the spine straight and tall.
  3. Place your hands on your head, right at the base where it meets the neck.
  4. Now slowly bend forward and try to touch your thighs with your elbows.
  5. You should feel a mild stretch at this point.
  6. Return to the first position and repeat the movement 10 times.

3. Side Bend:

  1. Remain seated and place your hands at the base of your head.
  2. Ensure your feet are placed firmly on the floor.
  3. Bend to the right at your waist.
  4. Here, the right elbow should point towards the floor.
  5. Stay in position for 5 to 10 seconds.
  6. Return to the first position and repeat the bend on the left side.
  7. Repeat each set for 5 times.

4. Elbow Push:

  1. You can either sit or stand for the exercise.
  2. First, bend your right elbow and bring the hand behind your head.
  3. Using your left hand, push the right elbow towards the back.
  4. Feel the arch in your chest as your back stretches.
  5. Count to 5 and repeat the stretch with your left elbow.
  6. Perform the exercise as often as you desire to ease the upper back muscles.

5. Shoulder Twist:

  1. Sit down straight for this one, with your feet planted on the ground.
  2. Place your arms crossed over the chest.
  3. Without moving the rest of your body, gently rotate your chest to one side.
  4. You would feel a moderate stretch.
  5. Now, twist your torso to the opposite side.
  6. Feel the stretch once more.
  7. Repeat each twist at least 5 times.
These are 5 of the simplest exercises for stretching your upper back muscles. To make it simpler, you can gently roll your head. First let it fall to your chest. Hold for a few moments and then roll back until you can see the ceiling. Slowly, finish the roll on the other side without any sudden movements. It brings mild relief.


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