Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Microsoft First to Support 'Middle Finger' Emoji

The gesture became an official emoji last year but so far neither iOS nor Android has included it in their selection of gestures. Can't think why. But now, according toEmojipedia, Microsoft has added support for it in Windows 10.

Emojipedia describes the gesture as "reverse hand with middle finger extended". We prefer sit and swivel, or flip the bird. Microsoft will offer the emoji in all different skin tone options, including grey – the default colour – pale and black. Hence the picture at the top of this story. It's like a vision of racial harmony.

Windows 10 will display emoji people as nonhuman in appearance, with grey skin. Google and Apple both use bright yellow as the default skin tone.
Apple recently added a more diverse collection of emojis, though stories quickly emerged of people using them to post racist comments.


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