Monday, June 22, 2015

Must-keep Snacks At Your Office Desk

Almost everyone has had the mid-day snack attack! But the next time you're tempted to just reach into a colleague's bag of chips or then stop at the vending machine and grab a fizzy drink, stop yourself. There are waistline-friendly options that will cut the calories; it's just a question of getting to know them. Here are the smarter choices...

Mixed Dryfruit:

Having dried fruits such as almonds, raisins, dates and prunes are a good idea as they make for easy-to-carry, healthy bites. Of course, don't go overboard too, as nuts are not really the lowest calorie option, but they have heart-friendly fats. Dried fruit are high in iron content and have other essential nutrients necessary for energy and a healthy metabolism.
Tip: Try this mix - 5 almonds, a tablespoon of raisins and cranberries or dried apricots.


Cut up an apple or peel and have a banana at any time during your work day; it's an apt anytime snack. Oranges and red grapes are also good options. Most fruits have an 80 percent content of water that will keep you hydrated. It is also a free of bad cholesterol. Strawberries and cherries also have a high anti-oxidant value.
Tip: Sprinkle some rock salt on your fruit for taste.


Unlike common perception, oatmeal is not just a breakfast food. As a great source of fiber, oatmeal can leave you feeling satiated for long. It can also reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. It contains a high content of vitamins and minerals. As oatmeal is bland, you can add some honey or raisins to it.
Tip: Add chopped walnuts to your bowl.

Crackers, Granola Bars

Whole wheat crackers make for a good cubicle snack. Top it with olives or light mayo. You can also have granola bars made of a mix of nuts, oats and honey. These are high in fiber, low in sugar and offer valuable protein.
Tip: Can spoon some home made salsa onto the crackers.

Hummus and Veggies

This is a quick and delicious idea. All you need is some hummus and a cup of cut vegetables to dip into it. Try carrots, broccoli florets cucumber, celery and tomatoes. For the hummus all you will need is chickpeas and a dash of lemon juice. If you have to use an oil, try olive oil as it's healthier.

Tip: If you need a dip instead, opt for a low-fat sour cream base.


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