Friday, June 05, 2015

Prevent Eyelash Fall With These Simple Steps

A heavy eyelash fall or as it is medically called, madarosis can be a symptom of some serious health problems like hypotrichosis, alopecia areata, among others. However, eyelash fall can always be arrested with a bit of personal care.

Here are a few tips that will help you in preventing eyelash fall and grow thick and long lashes:


Just like your hair needs to be oiled from time to time to get its share of nourishment, it is important for your eyelashes also to get moisturised from time to time. Take a few drops of olive or castor oil and apply them on your lashes. This will help your lashes grow faster and will also make them thicker.

Don't Settle For Just Any Mascara

Your falling eyelashes could be a result of a poor quality of mascara. Select a herbal mascara or one that contains vitamins and minerals. You might have to shell out a little extra but it is always advisable to buy a mascara that is rich in vitamins. It helps in making your eyelashes thick and prevents them from falling.

Remove Makeup Every Night

Even a trace of kohl in your eyes can be the reason of your eyelash fall. Remove your eye makeup religiously before retiring every night. Use a petroleum jelly to get rid of any traces of liner, mascara and kohl from your eyes.

Avoid Using Old Makeup Products

Do not use products that have crossed their expiry date as some of the products become host to bacteria, causing serious skin troubles. Replace your makeup every six months.


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