Friday, June 05, 2015

Unusual Signs Of Depression

Persistent sadness, unexplained feelings of emptiness, excessive drinking and pessimism are some of the evident signs of depression. But some signs are not so overt, and include feeling excessive fatigue, worrying about an impending apocalypse, imagining having a fatal disease like cancer, and wanting to die because of excessive guilt, even for a small reason..

Excessive Pains, Headaches And Digestion Problems

The intense feelings of sadness are manifested as headaches or fibromalgia, or as stomach problems. Many types of pain disorders with no obvious physiological reasons, often occur due to depression.

Inability To Interact Normally

Depressed people withdraw into a shell and begin to shun personal contact. They go on mute mode, become reclusive and slowly shut out life.

An Overdose of Internet

A link has been found between depressed people and excessive internet use — virtual interactions, gaming and porn sites gain prominence, and actually connecting to people takes a backseat.

Sleep Patterns Are Affected

They either sleep excessively or suffer from insomnia or sleeplessness.

Excessive Crying

Depression leads to excessive crying, sometimes for even simple reasons.

Total Disconnect And Marked Mumbness

There is this inability to feel and react to life and simple activities.

Grooming Routine Slowly Disappears

One begins to stay unkempt — an untidy beard, neglected nails and shabby clothes are some manifestations. Some even stop combing their hair.


Depression and hypothyroidism have these shared symptoms, say studies — a depressed mood, fatigue, weight gain, reduced sexual desire and trouble concentrating.

Appetite is affected

Many resort to food when depressed, and either go on a binge spree or find that they have completely lost appetite. Comfort eating also happens, as the body demands glucose to keep up the energy levels.

Inability To Take Simple And Quick Decisions

Researchers have found that we take simple decisions — like taking the stairs or elevator, drinking milkshake or coffee, walking or taking a cab — at least 65-70 times daily, without giving much thought. However, a depressed person can't make up his mind about these minor things.


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