Friday, June 05, 2015

Ways To Bust The Arm Flab

Research has found that three quarters of women hate their flabby upper arms -more than any other part of their body. What's more, an alarming 87% of men say they look at a woman's upper arms to gauge her age. But who wants to cover up with a full-sleeve shirt when the sun shines? Follow the top tips to get toned, flawless arms.

Bingo Wing Squeezes

While we work out our biceps and shoulders on an everyday basis (picking things up, for example), our triceps don't get the same attention.

Here are a few exercises that you can follow to ensure that your arms are perfectly toned and fat-free. Stand in a split stance, with tummy pulled in, chest lifted, arms by your side with palms facing directly behind you.

Then lift your arms straight out directly behind you, as high as you can, and hold. Perform tiny little pulses, keeping the arms at the same height. Aim to do 100 of these.

Banish The Bumps

"If you have rough red bumps on the backs of your arms, it could be a condition called keratosis pilaris. It occurs when hair follicles contain a build-up of keratin (a protein that makes up the tough outer layer of skin) and can look like goosebumps," says dermatology consultant Dr Anjali Mahto.

In tests 89% of women saw an improvement after exfoliating their skin."Applying with a really brisk massage will help to boost circulation in the problem areas and reveal healthy radiant skin," says skincare professional, Nichola Joss. Creams that contain salicylic or lactic acid are more effective than simple moisturisers as they help encourage the natural exfoliation process.

Eat For Sleeker Arms

"The key to toning up your arms is to eat sufficient protein alongside doing regular resistance exercises such as swimming," says dietitian Nichola Whitehead. Protein helps to build and repair muscle. Good sources are lean meats, legumes and natural yoghurt. So, aim to eat protein with every meal.

Porridge with Greek yoghurt for breakfast, a chicken salad sandwich on granary bread for lunch, and a bean and lentil curry for dinner. High-protein snacks include cottage cheese with crackers, peanut butter on rice cakes, and yoghurt with berries.


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