The Nokia 215 will retail for just $29, and the device comes a 2.4 inch display with a QVGA resolution of 320 x 240 pixels, the handset also comes with 8MB of storage and a microSD card slot for expansion, plus 0.3 megapixel camera.
Nokia 215 has preinstalled Facebook and Messenger with instant notifications, so you’ll never miss out on the latest from your friends. Check your friends’ news feeds, update your status, and keep in touch with those long-distance relatives.
Browsing the web is super-easy, thanks to Opera Mini Browser and Bing Search. And don’t take a chance on the weather. Get the latest weather conditions using MSN Weather and see accurate hourly or 5 day weather forecasts, wherever you are.
The handset will be launched in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe in the first quarter of this year.