Thursday, March 26, 2015

How-To Increase Lung Capacity For Swimming

Swimming is a wonderful exercise that basically tones all the muscles in the human body. While it is not that tedious to learn, a lot of people find it difficult to hold their breath while swimming and they cannot swim for a long time.

If you want to become an ace swimmer, it is really important that you increase your lung capacity. This will allow you to take in more air when you breathe, and you will be able to stay underwater for a longer duration without feeling exhausted.

Below listed are a few exercises that will help you enhance lung capacity and become a pro at swimming. Professional swimmers can benefit a lot by trying these exercises.

Abdominal Breathing:

  • You have to lie on back to perform this exercise.
  • At first, keep a hand on the chest and the other hand on the stomach.
  • Now, inhale deeply. Then breathe out using the mouth.
  • Then, inhale using the nose and hold the air for a few seconds. Breathe out slowly to ensure the stomach muscles get squeezed, and all the air taken in gets exhaled.

Rib Stretch:

  • In standing position, breathe out all air from the lungs.
  • Now, inhale slowly and expand both the lungs to their maximum.
  • Hold the breath while you count 20. Keep hands on your hips and exhale slowly. This exercise can be repeated thrice.

Numbered Breath:

  • At first, close both eyes and take a deep breath. Breathe out all the air in the lungs.
  • Now, breathe in air; focus on breathing. Exhale the air after holding breath for a couple of seconds. Inhale slowly again and then exhale. Do up to 8 cycles and keep counts of your breaths. Counting on your breath, according to most doctors, helps increase lung capacity considerably.

Pushing Out:

  • Stand on the floor and then bend over forward.
  • You may keep your knees loose and breathe out air. Stand up and inhale air.
  • When the lungs are filled with air, hold the breath for a few seconds and then breathe out. As you hold the breath, stretch the arms overhead.
  • Exhale and lower the arms. This can be repeated a few times.

Working Out In The Water:

Working out in the water offers resistance to the body. It makes the body work harder, and as a result, you will need to take quick breaths and the lungs will become more efficient. This can bring results in the long term.

Cardio Workouts:

Doing cardiovascular exercises can help enhance lung capacity. Practicing cardio moves for half an hour or so will make your lungs more developed.

Workout At High Altitude Places:

Since places with high altitudes are low in oxygen quotient, working out in such places can make your lungs hold air for longer durations eventually. This can be tough on you initially and might be an overload on your lungs.

But, studies suggest that an overload in terms of physical stress, or even putting yourself through endurance can enhance lung capacity. With time and consistent practice, you will find your lungs functioning at an enhanced capacity.

Splashing Water On Face:

As incredible as it may sound, splashing water on the face while you hold your breath can increase your lung capacity. This is called the mammalian diving reflex. However, use water at room temperature for this purpose, as using cold water can actually reverse the process.

Relaxing Muscles:

You may try meditation techniques like Pilates to enhance the lung capacity. You may close your eyes and help the muscles relax as you hold in the air during deep breathing sessions. You may even count till 50 or so to see how long you can hold the air.

Now swim away for as long as you wish! These simple exercises will not just build up your stamina, but also increase your lung capacity double fold.


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