Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Beauty Tip: 7 Embarrassing Foot Problems And How To Fix Them








1. Bunions

The problem: Suddenly, your shoes don't quite fit as well as they used to, and you spot a bulging bump near your big toe. Not to mention, it really hurts. If the joint of your big toe is pushing out unnaturally, you've probably got a bunion, says Dr. Rob Kominiarek, D.O., FACOFP.

How to fix it: Kominiarek recommends wearing comfortable, wide-sole shoes, and soaking your feet or applying ice packs. If this fails, see your doctor for a cortisone injection, which will provide relief.

How to prevent it: Limit the pressure on your feet by skipping the narrow, tight footwear that pushes your toes together. Certain foot types — namely, "low arches, flat feet, and loose joints and tendons," according to Harvard Women's Health Watch — and occupations that require frequent standing can make you more prone to bunions. So pay attention to how your feet are feeling, and speak to your doctor if you feel there may be a problem.

2. Warts

The problem: You feel a tinge of pain on the bottom of your foot, and when you check it, you discover a small, fleshy growth. To your horror, you realize it's a wart. "Plantar warts are viruses that you get when you've contracted the HPV virus from a contaminated surface," says Dr. Mona Gohara, associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine, who also notes that this is the most common foot issue she sees.

How to fix it: Try this dermatologist-approved DIY — apply Compound W and duct tape on the warts for a few days. You can also have your derm remove them by laser or liquid nitrogen.

How to prevent it: Gohara recommends protecting your feet by always wearing shoes in public areas, including flip flops in locker rooms and pool areas.

3. Athlete's Foot

The problem: Dry, itchy, flaky, and pink skin just pops up out of nowhere. And it's really uncomfortable.

How to fix it: "Use a prescription-strength anti-fungal medication in powder or cream form," says Gohara. "Alternatively, some people like apple cider vinegar soaks."

How to prevent it: Athlete's foot thrives in damp environments like public showers and locker rooms, so Kominiarek recommends "keeping moisture at bay." This includes changing your socks every day, washing your feet daily, and purchasing new shoes as your older ones wear out. Also, wear flip flops when you're using a public shower, beach, or pool. And make sure your feet are thoroughly dry before putting your socks back on — or you could risk trapping moisture inside.

4. Ingrown Toenails

The problem: Your toenail is curving inward, and the surrounding skin is puffy, enflamed, and tender to the touch. What gives? "Sometimes this happens because genetically, some people have toenails that curve in," explains Gohara. But in some cases, it can be the result of trauma.

How to fix it: You actually have to remove the part of the nail that is ingrown to make it go away, says Gohara. Ouch! Warning: This is something you should leave up to a professional e.g. your dermatologist.

How to prevent it: Keep your toenails trimmed, but not too short, and wear well-fitting sneakers when you exercise. If you notice an irritated toenail, Kominiarek recommends soaking it nightly in warm epsom salt water for some temporary relief before seeing a doctor.

5. Foot odor

The problem: Your feet are constantly stinky, and the stench doesn't seem to be going away.
How to fix it: "Make sure you actually use soap on your feet," says Gohara. "A lot of people don't, but you actually have to scrub them with a non-soap cleanser to get rid of bacteria." If you happen to be a heavy sweater, she recommends adding absorbent talc powder in your shoes.
Prevent it: Keep your feet clean — and that talc powder handy.

6. Blisters

The problem: You rock your new shoes all day, but instead of loads of compliments, you end up with a few fluid-filled (not to mention painful) welts instead.

How to fix it: Blisters are good at healing themselves, so it's best not to pick at them. "If they need to pop, 9 out of 10 will do it all on their own. When they do, simply wash with soap and water," says Kominiarek. "Then, apply antibiotic ointment and cover it with a Band-Aid." Be sure to check on it daily and keep it clean until it is healed.

How to prevent it: "Wear moisture-wicking athletic socks and shoes that fit properly," says Kominiarek. Whenever you exercise, make sure to use this handy shoelace trick to ensure your feet are locked into your shoes, reducing friction and irritation.

7. Calluses

The problem: Your once soft feet are feeling kind of rough, and even your bi-weekly pedicures aren't doing anything to make them any smoother.

How to fix it: "Soak your feet and use a pumice stone to remove the callused skin," recommends Kominiarek. "If they become painful, it's time to visit your podiatrist."

How to prevent it: Calluses develop as a result of pressure or friction. Soften down thick skin by using a urea-based cream or alpha-hydroxy acid, says Gohara. Use these daily on your feet in order to prevent calluses, and wear comfy shoes to avoid putting excess pressure on your toes or subjecting your foot to more friction.


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