Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Grooming Tips For Men Before A Dinner Date

You sure don't want bad breath or itchiness on beard to let your confidence down when you step out for a dinner with your girlfriend or meet a person with whom you have been chatting on a dating site, for the first time.

And it will be your looks and how you present yourself in front of her that will be on top of your mind. Here are a few grooming tips as you get ready for your dinner date.

Brush, Floss And Gargle

These three things are a must as you get ready for the evening. We have heard many a time that bad breath on a date is a deal breaker. So this explains why many of us feel less confident if we are worried about bad breath. One of the main reasons for bad breath is not cleaning between the teeth properly. Floss regularly — it ensures that plaque and trapped food particles are removed. Interdental sticks and gadgets for effective flossing are also available in stores now.

Keep Your Beard Clean

It's perfectly fine to sport a beard, if you think that makes a style statement. But ensure that you keep it clean, so that fears about itchiness don't come between you and your loved one while you enjoy your conversation and meal. Simply follow a few basic hygiene measures. The best thing to do is to wash your beard with a face wash or shampoo. But ensure that you don't over shampoo your beard. It may completely remove natural oils that keep your beard healthy and moisturised. You may also apply some beard oil with fragrance after washing it.

Keep Your Face Oil Free

Ensure that your face doesn't look too oily when you step out. Apply a toner using cotton balls on your forehead, nose and chin where it tends to be oiliest. It will help hydrate skin and mop off extra oil from your face.


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