Thursday, November 06, 2014

Opera Mini 9 promises smoother video-watching on iOS

Since the beginning, Opera's focus with its mobile browser has been to save users as much data as possible. Now, with the release of Opera Mini 9 for iOS, the idea is to take that mentality a step further, by better managing a thing people enjoy doing most on their devices: watching video.

As such, Opera Mini 9 comes with a feature called Video Boost that optimizes videos to save on bandwidth, which includes the ability to reduce loading times for those with an iPhone and/or iPad. According to Opera, this is the first time video optimization for sites has been built within a browser, and it believes the implementation is so good that it could easily replace a video-focused app -- like YouTube or N3twork. But don't take Opera's word for it, you can check it out for yourself at the App Store link


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