Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Beauty Tip: Home Remedies For Acne

There are a number of acne fighting products on the market today but their effectiveness is sometimes questionable and their cost make using them difficult. It is easier to find a more natural alternative that can offer the same results for far less of a monetary investment.

Lemon Juice: *Take a slice of lemon, rub it on the face and leave it for a few minutes. Then rinse your face.

Aloe Vera Juice:
*The medicinal properties of aloe vera can treat acne. Apply aloe Vera juice on affected area twice daily.

*Honey has both antiseptic and moisturising properties. Apply honey on the affected skin for half an hour. Then try to first rinse the honey off with warm water first, followed by cold water so that pores get closed.

Orange Peel:
Vitamin C in orange is good for treating acne. Take orange peel and allow it to dry under sun, then grind it into powder form. Add water to the powder, mixing it into a paste. Apply it on the face and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it off.

Take fresh chilled grapes, cut in half and then rub it on your skin, and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes then wash your face.


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