Thursday, March 05, 2015

How-to Make a Green Smoothie

You may have seen your co-worker downing a glass of green liquid pulp and wondering why would any one drink that.

Well, these green smoothies are a quick and easy way to get large amounts of fruits and leafy greens into your daily diet and give your body the plant-based nutrients it craves.

And we promise you they are tasty!


» Handful of spinach
» Handful of strawberries
» 1 pear
» 1 banana
» 1 scoop organic vanilla protein powder
» 1 cup green tea (prepared as you would a cuppa)

- Throw all ingredients into a blender and press go.
- Pour into your favourite vessel – a Mason jar adds a nice sense of occasion, or tip it into a shaker to drink on the run!


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