Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Google launches new Domains service

Google has launched a new service that lets you buy internet domain names, direct from the search-engine giant itself. The fresh-faced Google Domains service is in beta for now, but offers would-be domain-holders a chance to pick up a shiny new URL.

Since the service is still in test-phase, you’ll need an invite code to actually buy or transfer a domain, but the product is expected to roll out worldwide if successful.

The new service looks to snap up the web’s real estate market, away from long-time contenders like GoDaddy and 123-reg.
The service offers standard .com addresses, but will also flog new additions to the domain name family like .guru or .photography.

Google also promises to ensure every domain purchase comes with easy forwarding, a unique branded e-mail address, and super simple management features. The US firm has partnered with Shopify, Squarespace, Weebly, and Wix to offer an optional site-building service, meaning you won’t need advanced coding skills to make use of your new domain.


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