Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Take a trip to space aboard a luxury balloon

A US aerospace firm is building a luxury passenger balloon that can lift ‘Voyagers’ to the edge of space. World View Enterprises wants to charge would-be astronauts $75,000 a trip, which is considerably cheap compared to the $200,000-per-flight that SpaceShipOne demands.

The hi-tech air balloon would lift passengers up to around 100,000 feet in the air, far beyond the 30,000-40,000 cruising altitude of most jet aeroplanes.

Just last week, World View completed its first test flight with a 10% scale version of the actual balloon, taking the prototype up to 120,000 feet over a 5-hour flight. British design studio Priestmangoode is contracted to plan out the luxury balloon’s interior, with the added task of ensuring the craft is equipped with lightweight fixtures and fittings to keep the fuel bill as low as possible.

“You’re going 100,000 feet above the earth’s surface,” says Nigel Goode, director of Priestmangoode, as reported by Wired.

“You’re seeing the curvature of earth, the blackness of space. It’s such a life-changing experience. This is what it’s all about.” The craft will take about an hour and a half to hit maximum altitude, at which point the Voyagers will drift along in orbit for a few hours before returning back to Earth’s humble soil.

Flight reservations are available already, although a $5,000 deposit is required to secure your seat. Unfortunately, there’s still no word on when actual flights will begin.

Check out the test flight video below:


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