Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sony's sold over 100-million PS3, PS4, and Vita consoles

Sony has revealed its flogged a whopping 100-million Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and PS Vita units worldwide. Interestingly, the majority of sales are attributed to the PS3, which (as of November 2013) had sold about 80-million units since its launch back in 2006.

We also found out earlier this month that 9-million PS4's have been sold, a million of which entered customer's hands within its first 24 hours on sale. The PS Vita hasn't performed too well thus far, so we doubt it's making up the remaining 11-million. We're guessing Sony's managed to shift a few more PS3's since last November, giving the Vita less of a gap to close.

It's good news for Sony then, with its PS4 one-upping Microsoft's Xbox One, which has sold just 5-million consoles to date - just over half of the PS4's total sales.

The new data comes from a Sony Playstation promo video for its console line, which you can check out below:


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