Friday, July 04, 2014

The NomadClip Puts A USB Cable In A Carabiner

You might recall a couple of years ago, a company called Nomad unveiled a USB cable that was small/short enough where it could be hooked onto a keychain. It was a pretty clever idea since this allowed users to bring their USB cables with them on the go, and plug it into any computer or wall outlet with a USB port to charge their micro USB or iOS devices.

Well it looks like the company is back with a new offering called the NomadClip. However unlike its predecessor, the NomadClip will be the keychain instead, as opposed to being the one attached to a keychain. It has been designed to look like a carabiner, as you can see in the image above, and will let you hook it onto your belt loop on your pants or onto your bag. It can also act as a keychain as it looks big and spacious enough to toss in a few keys.


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