Wednesday, September 17, 2014

20 Unusual, Yet Appealing Baby Names

Way down at the very bottom of the official U.S. Popular Names List are those baby names given to only five children each year. The Social Security Administration doesn’t publicize those names given to fewer babies because of privacy concerns.

Most of these rare names are “creative” spelling variations of popular names (Izebella and Jacub), inventions like Jayly or Axtin, or international names largely unknown in the U.S.

And then there are the outliers, both wonderful (and yes, some that are truly terrible). The beautiful names have deep history that for whatever reason are

Here, the best names given to just five babies in the U.S. in the most recent year counted:

Calixta, Clementina, Eugenie, Eulalie, Frederica, Hyacinth, Jessamy, Letitia, Sunniva, Thisbe

Amyas, Baird, Benen, Chaplin, Christo, Frazier, Inigo, Robertson, Thoreau, Wyn


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