Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Gadgets Panasonic Goes Old-School With Its Cassette-Shaped Voice Recorder

Panasonic Goes Old School With Its Cassette-Shaped Voice Recorder
Panasonic is clearly targeting a certain demographic, or at least a specific age group, with its latest voice recorder. Because anyone who grew up before the age of MP3s, or even compact discs, will spot the RR-S30′s uncanny resemblance to an audio cassette tape.

To anyone younger, it will simply look like something they vaguely remember seeing in their parent’s garage — or a museum. To help really sell the whole cassette thing, the RR-S30′s LCD display features a pair of faux reels that rotate during recording or playback.

But in terms of more practical functionality, on a pair of AAA batteries the recorder will capture up to 180 hours of audio at its lowest quality setting, from either a set of built-in stereo mics, or an external one that’s been plugged in.

It will be available next month, in Japan at least, for about $US83, so nostalgia seekers should mark their calendars. Panasonic (Japan)


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