Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Microsoft's latest Xbox One update for those without Kinect

Since Microsoft de-coupled its Xbox One console from Kinect earlier this year, it's had to set about boosting the console's creds. The latest update has added a feautre called Snap Center that sidesteps the need for Kinect when running multiple apps.

Rather than using voice control, the new feature will let gamers hit a double tap of the Xbox button to swap between apps, games and messages. You'll also be able
to view the battery level and time during gameplay by accessing the Snap Center. Redmond is also optimising the friends and messages application for the snap view at the side of the screen.

In-game recording has also been given the controller treatment so, rather than saying "Xbox, record that," you can use the Xbox button on the controller to document your gaming prowess. The update also adds MKV and DNLA support to the media player it added to the console last month.

The new formats will be supported on files stored on a network drive and Microsoft has also added a TV trending tool that scoops the 10 most watched shows in your area into a recommendation. The roll-out of the new update is planned for this week and next with Xbox One preview members getting an earlier look-in.


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